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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 40 - Issue 52 - December 30, 2021

State of Kansas

Office of the Governor

Executive Directive No. 21-547
Authorizing Personnel Transactions

By virtue of the authority vested in the Governor as the head of the Executive Branch of the State of Kansas, the following transactions are hereby authorized:

The request of Kraig Knowlton, Director of Personnel Services, to provide a pay differential of $1.50 per hour for hours worked by all non-exempt employees working in 24/7 facilities under the Kansas Commission on Veterans Affairs Office, the Kansas Department on Aging and Disability Services and the Kansas Department of Corrections, as determined by the Department of Administration, is hereby approved, effective December 26, 2021.

The request of Kraig Knowlton, Director of Personnel Services, to provide a pay differential of $2.00 per hour for hours worked by non-exempt employees in security positions in 24/7 facilities under the Kansas Department of Corrections and the Larned State Hospital, as determined by the Department of Administration, is hereby approved, effective December 26, 2021.

The request of Kraig Knowlton, Director of Personnel Services, to provide a pay differential of $4.50 per hour for hours worked by all non-exempt employees in nursing positions working in 24/7 facilities under the Kansas Commission on Veterans Affairs Office and the Kansas Department on Aging and Disability Services, as determined by the Department of Administration, is hereby approved, effective December 26, 2021.

The request of Kraig Knowlton, Director of Personnel Services, to provide a pay differential of $2.50 per hour for hours worked by all non-exempt employees working in 24/7 facilities under the Kansas Commission on Veterans Affairs Office, the Kansas Department on Aging and Disability Services and the Kansas Department of Corrections with critical staffing levels, as determined by the Department of Administration, is hereby approved, effective December 26, 2021.

I have conferred with the Secretary of Administration, the Director of the Budget, the Director of Personnel Services, and members of my staff, and I have determined that the requested action is appropriate.

Dated December 21, 2021.

Laura Kelly

Doc. No. 049672